Tonya's Lost Toy

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Scotland's Castle


Ailsa’s Musings


Around the cooking fires at night,

Tales are told of Scotland’s former beauty,

How evil King Henry stole deep into its heart

To plunged his wicked knife.


One young Lassie dreams of a day,

When her homelands former glory

Is raised, like a phoenix from its ash,

Harmony of life again will reign.


But fear of their devil overlord

Suppresses all thought of that,

None young brave Laird has stepped forward, yet.

Daily struggles to appease ‘Ole King Henry lie.


As of late, something sits upon the cusp,

Celestial signs have begun to grow,

Prophecy of old, strung upon a fragile string,

Adding to the history and future unfold.


© Tonya Greenlee


Murray’s Charge


Murray took care of a wee female bairne,

Upon the Isle of Ailsa Craig he found,

No word as to her appearance,

No mother, not a soul around.


Just how the babe ended up there,

Upon the craggy rocky shore,

Surviving the pounding violent waves of sea,

This healthy child, a mystery for sure.


From the moment her gaze caught Murray’s steady eyes,

Something twinkled and captured his heart,

Forever her guardian and protector, he pledged,

Between these two of the sea, a deep bond would sprout.


A blossoming beauty, fair as a Scottish rose,

His task is not lightly taken, one he gladly holds.

Just today his headstrong lass, turns seventeen.

He waits to see what fate has in store for his young Ailsa.


© Tonya Greenlee




A Vow Sworn


A quick temper and steady hand

A now deadly combination, if you be a man.

A fight for purity has left its marks,

For one so young and unprepared.


Murray found his Ailsa, once….

Broken from a band of merry Henry’s band,

To young she be at that time,

To escape their vile revelry.


A young lass so fair as a Scottish rose,

Why, fair game she be,

They did not care for her well being,

She was far below in social meaning.


Heedless to her pleas and cries,

They laughed and scoffed and had their way.

A solemn vow she swore to herself,

Pay, they would, dearly, for each face was burned in her memory.


Murray takes up his promise to protect,

So torn he could not have seen.

To arm her from further inclination,

She will no longer be helpless.

He will give his little vixen sharp teeth…

Teaching her to use any weapon.


© Tonya Greenlee





Painful Whispers


Painful whispers reached her ear,

She would not cry, she would not fear,

Stand proud and stand her ground,

Would take a strong man to tame her……….


Deadly Beauty honed in skill,

To ply the sword or crack the whip

Would not be uncommon to feel point of blade

Against the throat,

Or sting of tiny knotted tip as it sailed

And left its welt,

Should unfairness occur.

Any man who knew her,

Learned to let her pass before he leered.


Painful whispers reached her ear,

She would not cry, she would not fear,

Stand proud and stand her ground,

Would take a strong man to tame her………..


Theses skills she learned came easily

Was it mere revenge that held her sway?

or something deep within, at last in play?

Seems an ancient song played in her mind,

Mingled with strange stirrings in her heart.

She could not help but wonder of the sea,

A strange lure called and sang in tune

With dark dreams.


Painful whispers reached her ear,

She would not cry, she would not fear,

Stand proud and stand her ground,

Would take a strong man to tame her………..


………to be continued


© Tonya Greenlee






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