Poetry (pg. 3)
Venus sits on her throne horizon. Her court of twilight fades to solar echoes; She patiently
awaits her subjects’ visual appearance. One by one they illuminate their spaces; Paying homage to the eastern
With Luna’s help, an extensive arena is lit. Lucent Moonbeams seethe with ethereal faintness, Setting
the stage for the night's amusements, Dreamlike facets are added for unique effect. Stars' shiver their sparks to add
All substance; drugged by unearthly settings. Creatures of Earth become prey to fascinated celestial
gazes. Antics lit by insubstantial light, partly hidden in the gray, Unaware of their observed action, Freely they
delve in the sublime.
Streaks of cosmos ignite in veined flashes. Trace laid out paths for her amusement, Performing
their feats with self-assured audacity, Olympian like, in their course lies true, Parading in spectacular fashion,
a brilliant view.
© Tonya Greenlee
...to free spirits
Shadow such majestic creatures, That
rule the very sky. Stand upon a mountain ledge, And open arms up wide.
Throw back your head, arch your spine,
Breathe in nature’s lore. Feel the wind blow through your hair, Let your spirit soar.
Try to imagine,
through their sight, The beauty down beneath, In daring dipping spirals, Wings steady in their feat.
The exhilaration
that must be felt, To descend with reckless speed, Fills your core with wondrous awe, And gratifying deeds.
© Tonya Greenlee
Requisite Touch
I want to feel those lips,
Soft and tender, feather over my silky neck,
Stopping to taste here and there
Till all my breath is gone
And I have to gasp so quickly
Just to fill my lungs with air.
I want to feel those hands,
Slide up and down my arms
Warm, smooth caresses,
That strokes my imagination
Till they find their way
To tangle in my tresses.
I want to feel your body
Press up against mine,
Till nothing but you fills my mind
And the soft burning you started
Builds to a roaring, all consuming,
Out of control conflagration.
I want to bathe in your afterglow,
Peppered with your butterfly kisses,
Snuggled tight in your arms,
Warmed by your flesh against mine,
Comforted by your love,
Melded forever in your heart.
© Tonya Greenlee
Oh, Sweet Wind
to free spirits
Oh, sweet wind, Breeze beneath my wings and lift me,
Let me taste
freedom, Let me enjoy your coolness,
Oh, sweet wind, Breeze beneath my wings and lift me,
Let me look
down from the heavens, Let me soar in blue skies,
Oh, sweet wind, Breeze beneath my wings and lift me,
me leave my troubles, Let me indulge in thoughtless flight,
Oh, sweet wind, Breeze beneath my wings and lift
Let me choose my own destiny, Let me be an untamed spirit,
Oh, sweet wind, Breeze beneath my wings
and lift me.
© Tonya Greenlee
Gypsy Dancer
......to a free spirit
Swirling colors of skirt and leg, Skin to touch, love a pledge.
thruming wild and free, Untamed spirit dance in me.
Twirl me, spin me around and round, Wrap me up in hair unbound.
silken shoulders beg be kissed, Take not the chance, this treat to miss.
Flashing smiles with easy eyes, Colors
taken from clear blue skies.
Full soft lips pout and tease, Their inviting promise, just to please.
One heart
to give, none to replace, So careful please, of what you take.
© Tonya Greenlee
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