Painful Whispers
Painful whispers reached her ear,
She would not cry, she would not fear,
Stand proud and stand her ground,
Would take a strong man to tame her……….
Deadly Beauty honed in skill,
To ply the sword or crack the whip
Would not be uncommon to feel point of blade
Against the throat,
Or sting of tiny knotted tip as it sailed
And left its welt,
Should unfairness occur.
Any man who knew her,
Learned to let her pass before he leered.
Painful whispers reached her ear,
She would not cry, she would not fear,
Stand proud and stand her ground,
Would take a strong man to tame her………..
Theses skills she learned came easily
Was it mere revenge that held her sway?
or something deep within, at last in play?
Seems an ancient song played in her mind,
Mingled with strange stirrings in her heart.
She could not help but wonder of the sea,
A strange lure called and sang in tune
With dark dreams.
Painful whispers reached her ear,
She would not cry, she would not fear,
Stand proud and stand her ground,
Would take a strong man to tame her………..
………to be continued
© Tonya Greenlee