Tonya's Lost Toy

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The Quiet Man


From an opal mind of darker depths,

Buried deep beneath in thought,

Thou countenance shares not

What precious fragments thee might hide.


Hid amongst thy brethren,

Thy inspirations to keep unto thyself.

‛Tis from thy nature to not open,

Perhaps fear to show thy inner treasure,

Or do thou truly not know of thy own worth?


Content to stay obscure, being still,

‛Till one who would enjoy thee comes along,

Pries from thy harden exterior thy hidden secrets.

But, at what cost? Would thee be scarred forever?

Would not be to rape thy soul,

But longing for thee, to reveal it.


© Tonya Greenlee


Adventure at Sea

Sailing on my big blue boat,
Out to sea I go,
What adventures lie in wait?
Only me, myself and I will know.

Will we find a sea serpent,
With coils of rainbow green?
Will he slither ‘round our boat,
Glaring with glowing eyes of tangerine?

Maybe we’ll….meet up with a sea turtle,
Take a ride upon his back.
Pretend he is our warrior mount
And we’re under an attack!

To the rescue come the dolphins,
Swimming with such speed!
Really! They could not have guessed,
Me, myself and I, were already in the lead!

Oh, with such excitement,
We’ll be fairly tuckered out,
Lying back in our blue bloat,
We’ll watch sea birds flying all about!

With the rocking of the waves,
Our eyes will slowly close.
The adventures of the day
Will be remembered as we doze.


© Tonya Greenlee




Water and Light


Melting into streamers of shimmering light,

You reflect me upon your surface.

Your dark depths, pronounced,

Enhance my ripple effect,

I seek to illuminate your distant shores.

My colors stretch and glisten,

Every movement upon your countenance,

Directly affects my display.

Undulating currents, surge! Moves your soul;

Waves my trembling ribbons.

Gentle winds; softly waft to calm your exterior,

Whispers to my muted hues,

Until your plane once again calms,

My reflective thoughts are stilled,

Our interacting surfaces quiet and rest.


© Tonya Greenlee




Fighter Pilots Flight (Me, Myself, and I series)

Me, myself, and I found ourselves sitting all alone,
Mom, away with shopping, dad away from home.
Now what does one small boy do, with his bestest friends?
With no one else around, I guess it just depends!

Inside my big back yard, a giant oak tree grows,
It reaches far beyond what I can see, just how far, I don’t know.
From a big thick limb, a strong rope swing is dangling there,
Upon it, we love to fly, like fighter pilots, in the open air!

Way up high we swing, toes stretching towards the leaves,
Knowing we can reach the sky if only we believes.
Myself, spots incoming planes, flying very low,
Our course, already set, no place else for us to go!

Straight as an arrow into their view, our imagined fighters glide,
‘Till swirling, curling, loopty-doos, into puffy clouds we slide!
Playing hide and seek, disappearing in and out of sight,
Swiftly flying in behind them, we open up the fight.

Daring spinning, split-second timing, climbing way up high,
Nerves of steel, our jet engines squeal as we go racing by.
Diving with death defying speed, our eyes are open wide,
We have to laugh with fits glee, at such an exciting ride.

One by one the planes all leave and we decrease our speed,
It’s good to know we're on the watch, if ever there be need.
All that flying has made us hungry and mommy’s pulling in the drive,
So till we’re needed once again, we parachute, and go inside.

© Tonya Greenlee

When I Look In the Mirror


When I look in the mirror,

I see eyes full of tears,

See dreams slipping away,

See eyes full of fears.


When I look in the mirror,

I see where a heart cracks,

See fragile glass feelings,

See a life thrown off its tracks.


When I look in the mirror,

I see a ghostly reminder,

See a heart full of love,

See where I could be kinder,


When I look in the mirror,

I see selfish loud wants,

See demanding needs,

See frightened black haunts.


When I look in the mirror,

I see how I need you,

See how you’re part of me,

See that you need me too.


©  Tonya Greenlee



Last updated on 9/4/2008, 4:23:13 PM




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